Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October's over, time to get personal

IMAG0273Today I found out that someone close to me had a benign breast biopsy.  It was a huge relief for us all and a really fitting way for me to close out this project.  This person is young and healthy, but spent the last few days in fear that she might have breast cancer.  I have to think there could be not be a worse month to think you might have breast cancer.

It took me back to the early days of this project when, in search of a spiral notebook, I came across some notes I had taken three years ago when I went through the very same thing.  Opening up the notebook took me through a wave of thoughts such as a) how do I still have so much stuff with the American Cancer Society logo on it b) thank the LORD it doesn't have a pink ribbon on it and c) it's a good thing I wrote everything down, because it is damn complicated to have breasts.
I went in to my annual at 31 years old TOTALLY prepared to get a referral to get my first mammogram.  While most women start mammograms at 40, those of us with a mother with breast cancer are lucky enough to get started 10 years prior to our mother's diagnosis.  Fortunately, I knew this and I had spent plenty of time mentally preparing for the doctor to tell me that it was time.

What I was not prepared for was for her to say "have you felt this?" during my clinical breast exam (if any guys are reading this...I'm sorry if this is too much information...I promise not to talk about speculums).  Now, the irony of this whole blog is that NO, I don't do self breast exams.  You know what else?  I don't floss as often as I should, either.  So NO, Doctor, I have NOT "felt this" and I have NO idea what you are talking about!  (To be honest, she put my hand right on it and I STILL couldn't feel it, which tells me I'd be horrible at self breast exams).

Needless to say, I'm glad I was at least prepared for the mammogram referral.  Now I got the "diagnostic" mammogram instead of just the regular screening exam.  Tears were held until the car.  I mean, we are talking about less than 6 months after losing my mom to breast cancer. 

IMAG0143So, long story short, I got a mammogram and ultrasound which revealed a black spot that looked like a black hole, essentially.  Really not the best sign on a mammogram.  My favorite part was the lady (another patient) who noticed my demeanor and followed me out to the parking lot to tell me that she was praying for me and that she understood.  Thanks, lady, your sentiments would only be better if you had some sort of pink ribbon balloon or pink edible arrangement for me.

The black hole turns out not to be good so I got to go back for a needle biopsy.  In turn, I got a call from my original doctor with the results (after 5 on a Friday, you KNOW this isn't good).  Well, ok, it wasn't good, but it wasn't bad, either.  Here's where the spiral notebook came in handy...what I have is known as Pseudoangiomatous stromal hyperplasia (PASH).  Aw, PASH sounds so cute!

IMAG0160It is benign, but is something that could end up becoming malignant.  She referred me to Dr. Shala Masood, one of the country's premier breast cancer experts (lucky for me, she's local...well, if you call Shands-Jacksonville local!).  I met with her a few times and we decided two things.  1) to do the BRCA genetic testing and 2) to have the mass removed.

So, at this point I have a rockin' scar, a stack of confusing medical bills filed away somewhere and somehow, I still don't do self-exams, even though Velveeta Shells & Cheese suggest I do.  I guess I have a bad attitude and a sense of inevitiability about it all.  Every now and then, especially in October, I have to give myself a reality check...I'm still a lot more likely to die of heart disease than breast cancer.  (And for the record, lung cancer is a greater cause of death in women than breast cancer, but you would NOT know that in October.)

I was glad that I was able to share my story and some bit of comfort with my friend.  I hope that in the end, I've helped open at least a few eyes to a different perspective on the pink ribbon. 

As all the pink crap heads to the discount aisles and the overstock stores, I feel pretty confident that I'll return to this blog every year and I hope that a lot of you will be ready to send me all the crazy pink stuff you see next year!  In the meantime, here are a few of the items I wasn't able to get to this month.  Enjoy and thanks for reading.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 31: Blenders, mixers and personal trimmers

IMAG0116On that same trip to Bed Bath & Beyond earlier this month where I hit my initial motherload, I took a picture of this KitchenAid mixer. To be one perfectly honest, one of my main motivations for ever getting married is so that I can register for one of these (not pink, of course).  It just seems like one of those things that you have to be given.  So, I was overjoyed to see this silly thing in pink.  I will say that I think my cousin Paige has one of these and Karissa would want one, too, but based on the color alone, not based on it's cancer fighting properties.

KitchenAid's "Cook for the Cure" will donate a minimum of $450,000 this year and they say they have donated $8 Million in the past 10 years to Susan G. Komen.  Among other things, you can get this mixer, blender, hand mixer, etc.  There is also a plate you can buy and give away and KitchenAid will give $5 to Komen. 

I can't say I have an particular problem with this.  Especially because someone who is investing in a PINK KitchenAid mixer is probably not actually buying it to support breast cancer but because they want a pink mixer.  I don't know why that makes me feel better but it does.

IMAG0119On the other hand.....pink Soda Stream bottles?  Well, I thought at first that it was just the bottles, but apparently you can buy the whole Soda Stream system (several different versions, in fact) as part of their, er..."Homemade Carbonated Beverages for the Cure" program.  Ok, I made that one up.  I guess they couldn't come up with a cute name.

5% of the proceeds from the sale of one of these things goes to Komen.  I actually support this product MORE for the fact that it is reducing plastic waste and creating healthier beverages.  My same arguement that I've had with all the other companies applies here...their donation of your money, again.

Thanks to my cousin Sara for sending me these.  I mean, who wouldn't want to fight cancer while brushing their teeth with this limited edition Sonicare?  OH, and if that wasn't enough, how 'bout while you are trimming your bikini line???

Philips will donate $100,000 over the next two years (again, their money, having nothing to do with how many toothbrushes and personal trimmers are sold) to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

If you really want to be grossed out, go to the breast cancer search page of http://www.drugstore.com/ and check out the walker, CHI, Clarisonic, yoga mat and medicine organizer. 

Day 30: Facebook Ads

I'll admit it, I spend a TON of time on Facebook.  In fact, if you are reading this right now, you probably linked to it from my Facebook page.  With a bazillion users and growing every day, it is a powerful tool for marketing and marketing pink ribbon crap is no exception:

A small ad for deodorant popped up along the right-hand side of my Facebook page so of course, I had to click on it.  Naturally Fresh is running a breast cancer awareness campaign and is using Facebook to market it's deodorant.

The key selling feature is that you can use this deodorant while getting a mammogram and it will not obscure the results. 

If you've ever had a mammogram, you already know that you are not supposed to wear deodorant at all.  I think it has something to do with all the metals in standard deodorant (which have not been linked to breast cancer, despite the periodic e-mail chains to the contrary).  It isn't a huge hardship.  You get a mammogram once a year, so for a few hours until your appointment, you can't wear deodorant.  I try hard to avoid things like the gym, being in the heat, cooking and any other things that make me sweat until after my annual smooshing.  Then I put on some deodorant (but I still avoid the aforementioned actitvities).

I really can't see myself buying a deodorant that is useful for one day out of the year.  And, no offense to "natural" products, but my experience has been that when you shop like a hippie, you end up smelling like one, too.

I'm not going to go in to detail on all the other ones that I found, but a few snippets:

American Airlines "Fly For the Cure":  Wants you to "like" their page and pin a pink ribbon on the map where you live.  You can also go through a link on their page to donate directly to Komen.  AA is giving airline miles for your donations, so it is actually a pretty cool idea, in my opinion.  Plus, you are donating directly instead of via the corporation. 

Bank of America:  Been there, done that, see previous blog entry.

Good Cook's Hope:  It seems to me that there is a typo there, but I guess "cook's" could be posessive there, too.  Anyway, if you click on that ad it takes you to a Publix rebate form.  If you purchase a certain amount of P&G cookware, you get a rebate.  No indication of a donation, no indication of an organization that is funded, and even though "Good Cook" is a registered trademark, I can't seem to find the exact website for the organization.  This might be it, but I can't find any reference to breast cancer on their website.

I DID find out that they are based in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, which I just find totally hilarious to say.

Dress Barn's Pink Pledge:  Leave it to a place whose name makes you automatically associate yourself with a cow or horse before entering.  Dress Barn's "Pink Pledge" is basically just a place where you can go on and enter your contact information (for coupons and other information) and say you are going to take care of yourself.  I rank pledges to Dress Barn right up there with the Pledge of Allegience.  If I tell Dress Barn I'm going to do something, then surely me and the other 6,000 women who took the pledge will do it, too.  Oh, upload a photo?  Why sure.  Feel free to use my face in your marketing, Dress Barn.  You are what's right with corporate America what with us giving you our contact info in the name of a good cause and then promoting yourselves like you are actually doing something.

Woah.  Sorry 'bout that rant.  I think I'm mostly mad about the "barn" part.

Day 29: Velveeta Shells & Cheese

Pretty sure I wouldn't have made it through college without a diet rich in Velveeta Shells & Cheese.  I'm also nearly positive that the foil packet of "cheese" is not actually "cheese" by any non-American definition.  Regardless, I love me some
shells & cheese, so much so that I laughed out loud at Publix when I saw this box.  In fact, a stranger stopped me and asked me why I was laughing and taking a picture...it must have been quite the sight. 

Try as I might, I cannot find any information anywhere about Kraft's involvement in the fight against breast cancer.  The packaging says they are supporting the NBCF but there is no indication of any donation.  I THINK what is happening here is that they are using this back panel as their "education and awareness" and calling it a day. 
I don't necessarily think this is a bad thing because they do not seem to be claiming anything and their guidelines do match up with the generally accepted early detection guidelines.  But, I did spend a few
minutes Googling Kraft so I figured I'd throw some tidbits at you:

  • Kraft, until recently, was owned by Phillip Morris.  I'm not going to get in to the tobacco issue, but if you think there isn't a link between cigarettes and cancer, you need to go find another blog to read.  Maybe on called "The Sky is Purple" or "Life with Your Head in the Sand".

  • I've already noted this in an earlier blog, but there is no doubt that a healthy diet, low in fat, is known to decrease cancer risk.  18% of your daily saturated fat?  36% of your sodium?  No wonder this stuff is so delicious!

  • Studies linking increased consumption butter made from milk high in fatty acids decreases cancer risk.  One major funder of the study:  Kraft Foods.

So, I'm not going to come right out and say it, but considering this is from a few minutes of research, there is some pretty good evidence that maybe Kraft isn't all warm, delicious 'cheese' covered shells.


Some Updates and a Convenient Drop-Off Point for Licked Lids

Well, the month is coming to an end.  I am still completely overwhelmed by this whole experience.  One for the totally insane amount of pink ribbon items that I was able to find and two by the amazing support that so many of you showed for my efforts. 

Being new to the blogging world, it was really fun to learn how to do it and I might even keep it up!  The first time I figured out how to look at my stats, I was shocked by how many page views I had.  This month so far, over 1,500 from countries like Jordan (thanks Amie), Uganda and Angola!  I feel like those were probably also via Amie's sharing of my blog, but still, pretty cool.

One thing I've tried to do is hold companies accountable to what they are saying.  Unfortunately, I don't have the time or energy to follow-up with every one.  I think next year I'm going to work on a more aggressive approach...I've got a year to plan it now that I've dipped my toes in this pink water!

But, just a few updates:
Pink post-its and other junk from the Target end cap:  I made 4 calls in the course of a week and was told I'd get a call back each time.  I must have missed that call.

Tervis Tumblers:  This was the one where I had the online chat with someone in customer service.  She promised to get back to me.  It's been a week so I contacted "Jeni" again:

Please wait for a site operator to respond.
You are now chatting with 'Jeni'
Jeni: Thank you for visiting us today. My goal is to make you smile! I will research your inquiry and be with you momentarily.
Jeni: Hi Chris, How can I assist you today?
Chris: Hi Jeni. I contacted you last week regarding the breast cancer ribbon cups
Chris: you were going to e-mail me with the answer and I never heard from you
Chris: I was wondering how much of each sale is donated and to which organization.
Jeni: Sorry for the issue. What is your email address?
Chris: g8rchris@gmail.com
Jeni: Please hold one moment while I research the answer for you.
Chris: no problem
Jeni: Unfortunately the person that can give me this answer has been away. She is back and I should get an answer shortly. I will email you once she replies. I do apologize for the delay. 
Chris: Ok, thank you for letting me know. I look forward to your answer.

Pink In-Styler (rotating curling iron):  The company denied putting the sitcker on it.  They asked their supervisor and had no information.  Big pink brick wall.

IMAG0057Yogurt Lids:  I was SHOCKED when I saw this box at Publix (not at my regular Publix, but the one at Town Center).  You can bring your recently licked lids back and drop them in this box.  I guess they figured out that people were criticizing the mailing back concept.  I wonder how much this nice box and balloons cost...and if enough people are bringing in their lids to make it worthwhile.  I very seriously doubt it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 28: The grossest gum ever

I've mentioned a few times that I haven't really had to seek anything out and I have actually challenged myself not to.  For example, in past years I know for SURE I have seen pink M&Ms but I have yet to walk down candy aisle looking for them.  But, I was perusing the candy at the cash register for some gum. 

This gaudy pink packaging was hard to miss and since I was in the market for gum, anyway, I decided I'd go ahead and fight some breast cancer with my purchase.

In case you are wondering, the flavor "Bubblemint" tastes like a bad day at the dentist's office.  Like when you ask for the mint flavor for the cleanser but the hygenist accidentally mixes in the kid's bubblegum flavor.  HURL. 

IMAG0083.jpgWhile I thought the packaging was pretty tacky, I had not prepared myself for what was inside.

They truly taste as stupid as they look.

Could the font be any bigger on the "10% of your purchase can help save lives"??  The funds are going to an organization called "Bright Pink".  This organization seems to have been formed by companies looking for somewhere to send their money and get some nice advertising out of it. 

The website purports to have all sorts of information, support, etc. but no actual content that I could tell.

I started hitting links, mostly the "find Bright Pink Events in your area" and "event photos", stuff like that to see if there were actual programs, events or even people involved in this organization or if it was just a bunch of corporations.
Bright Pink, you don't know how right you are.

Day 27: Gaudy drinkware and white zin cocktails

I am serious when I tell you, I'm not even seeking out this stuff.  I thought for sure this month that I'd be hunting around and LOOKING for things to write about.  Not the case at all.  Between what I'm just running in to and what people are sending me, I could make this a 3-month blog.  I'm not sure if my stomach could handle it but I definitely have the material.

So, as I strolled through Bealls last night looking for a new UF sweatshirt, I walked right in to a table full of wine, martini and champagne glasses. 

A:  They are ugly
B:  They are super overpriced
C:  I don't have a C, I just feel like every list like this should be at least three items long.

I flipped over the package to see if there was a donation and where it was going.  I almost fell over right there in the "Misses" section of Bealls.  A recipe for a "Pink Ribbon" cocktail.  Main ingredient?  White zinfandel.  I threw up in my mouth a little, it was awkward.
IMAG0060Well, Lolita Glassware, that just takes the ever-lovin' cake.  Oh, no it doesn't, because if you go their website, you can find sundae glasses, coffee mugs, a canteen and a candle holder, in addition to the alcoholic beverage containers.  SO many choices!

The packaging says that "a portion" of the proceeds are going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  I called the number on the website but the guy who answered (I call him "guy" because he never stated his name) said that I'd have to call the distributor, that they are just the retailer (even though it said "Lolita Glassware" next to the number).  Apparently I'm supposed to call Santa Barbara Ceramic Design.

Angie answered and indicated that some of the designs are retired but that she'll check the catalog and get me an answer.  She politely put me on hold where I have been sitting for a while now.  At least I have something to occupy my time here...writing about how I'm on hold.  Sweet.

Ok, she finally came back..."it looks like 10%".  Thanks, that sounded SUPER solid, Angie, thanks!

Well, I'm starting to run out of days and I still have SO much to write about, but here's what was sharing the table with the glassware.

IMAG0062Cheap, tacky watches.  No indication of any donation.  I'm not even going to bother tracking down this company. 

Bealls, thank you for this one, too.  Pink ribbon pajamas.  Yep, fight cancer by sleeping.  The hang tag says "a portion of the net proceeds will go to the fight against breast cancer."  I don't even know where to start with tracking this one down so in the interest of time and sanity, I'm not going to!

Oh, did you think I was done?  Well, I still had to check out and buy my spiffy new Gator sweatshirt (I'm saving the entire athleticwear department for another post).  In the meantime, write a note, save a life.

This is another one that says "a portion of the proceeds will go to breast cancer research, education and awareness".  We all know how I feel about that load of crap.  It also says "made in China", which, no offense to China, but my experience in looking up the Sharpie information tells me that the Chinese probably don't even know what this symbol is for.

Oh, so I just Googled "Breast cancer rates in China" and the first headline is that rates are increasing due to Chinese adopting more Western-style lifestyles.  So, I guess the blatant commercialism of the pink ribbon is not far behind.  Sorry, China. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 26: Carpet Padding and Mattress Pads

I feel kind of bad now that I put hardwood floors down in my new house.  I missed the perfect opportunity to spread breast cancer awareness through the pad under my carpet.

A big thanks to Zara, my 5th grade BFF, who thanks to the magic of Facebook has been reading my blog! 

Mohawk Carpet's "Decorate for the Cure" will be donating $100,000 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.   There is a very nice video and some information about how the special carpet cushion can not only extend the life of your carpet, but also the life of someone with breast cancer.  Ok, I'm exaggerating, but how are they not implying that??  This they actually do say:  "Mohawk SmartCushion™ protects your carpet- and your loved ones"

Is there no line?  Carpet padding?  The stuff that gets pulled up and thrown out by curbs when people realize they should have tiled or put wood floors down in the first place? 

Well, in case you thought that was the line, you have to see the flyer that Summer Morris sent over:

With all the pink and ribbons all over this circular, you would think that Mattress One was announcing the cure for breast cancer.  But, alas, no, they are announcing the $50 donation they will be making to Komen as part of your mattress purchase. 

Again, the $50 tax-deductable donation that THEY will be making, once you give them your money.  Good, job, Mattress One.  You make the difference.

Day 25: Breasts...chicken breasts, that is

Thanks to Linda for spotting this little gem.  Breast for breasts...these microwave-ready chicken nuggets are part of Fast Fixin's "Going Pink" campaign. 

Nothing on this website indicates HOW MUCH or WHERE the donation goes.  Oh, but get this...if you want to write a survivor story or a note about breast cancer, you can do that on their Facebook or Twitter.  That's right, you can go tell a personal story about your's or someone else's health on a FROZEN FOOD COMPANY'S Facebook page. 

I just had to check this out, http://www.facebook.com/ClickIt4BC

I guess this is Fast Fixin's Facebook page?  And apparently they are promoting a Twitter party to talk about breast cancer?  Are they serious?  I feel like if and when I attend my first "Twitter Party" it is not going to be hosted by a frozen food company.  No offense, frozen food companies.

To their credit, although the first lady I spoke with at Fast Fixin' had absolutely NO idea what I was talking about, she did deliver the message and I did get a phone call back.  Fast Fixin' donations an unnamed percentage to the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  Apparently the donation increases with each bag.  Unfortunately, I screened this call and didn't have a chance to get the total donation amount or anything like that but maybe for next year!

I did take this opportunity to google "processed" and "fried" meats and "cancer risk" and there is no denying that fried and grilled food both present a cancer risk.  I decided to not get too far in to the nutritional issues here but what I REALLY came across was this:

I'm almost positive that KFC is NOT doing this promotion this year.  Perhaps due to the quite obvious irony that fried chicken is clearly related to MANY health issues, not the least of which is cancer.  The outpouring of objections and bad publicity was so overwhelming that KFC seems to have pulled the plug on this one.

They did defend themselves by saying that you can always choose the grilled chicken.  Yah, because plenty of Americans are going to KFC for the GRILLED chicken.


To be honest, I'd go in to KFC to find out if it is going on this year, but I'm quite addicted to KFC mashed potatoes and gravy so I have to try to limit my visits to once or twice per year.  Sorry.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 24: Insulated cups

IMAG0268IMAG0098I'm not going to lie, I love Tervis Tumblers.  No condensation, they can advertise your favorite team/animal/cause, the name of the product is alliterative.  What's not to love?  So, who could possibly be surprised when Tervis Tumblers jumped in to the equally popular pink ribbon game? 

 The campaign, called "You Buy Pink We Give Green", purports to give 5% of their sales to "finding a cure for breast cancer".  No organization indicated and no minimum or maximum donation.  Wow, Komen and/or Breast Cancer Research Foundation, you need to get on top of Tervis!

So, of course, I contacted Tervis to get the story.  I LOVE online chat windows with customer service.  "Jeni" was less than helpful.

Since I'm still holding my breath to hear back from a few other companies, I'll just add Tervis to the listIMAG0112.

Around the corner on the other side of Bed, Bath and Beyond was another hotbed of breast cancer supporting insulated cups.

One that looks like a to-go coffee cup and the other that looks like a to-go plastic cup, these "Copco" products state (on a big pink ribbon tag) that a portion of the proceeds go to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Since a there was no amount stated, I decided to give Copco a call.  The operator transferred me to Denise in Customer Service.  I explained what I was looking for to Denise and  she had absolutely no knowledge of any product that had a pink ribbon or was involved in supporting breast cancer at all.  She offered to transfer me to someone who could help which promptly sent me to the operator.  I explained (again) what I was looking for and...well, you guessed it, she transferred me back to Denise.  HELLO again Denise, I'm sure you had hoped I got bored and moved on by now!

IMAG0109I was persistent until Denise offered to contact the product manager and get back with me.  I'm perplexed about why someone in customer service would have no familiarity with this program, but, I do give Denise credit for calling me back.  Allegedly, 5% of the net profits goes to the BCRF.

So, again, if you think about a cup that costs $4.99, let's just pretend that the company is making 50% profit.  So, $2.50 in this case.  For each cup, the company alleges to donate $.12.  Is it really worth saturating an entire month with pink ribbons for this pittance?  Not to mention that by November 1st, these are all going to be on clearance so I bet that cost reduction is going to cut in to the net proceeds on this product, anyway.  It's not like they are going to keep pink ribbon stuff on the shelf...as it is I'm sure they are itching to put the Christmas stuff out, anyway.

At least with Christmas, they don't have to pretend to be helping a cause.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 23: "Mailing" stuff, whatever that is

Thanks to another tip from Matt Bothwell (and my newly assumed duty as mailroom clerk for my dad), I made my way to the Jacksonville Beach Post Office.  A small pang of guilt hit as a I walked past Bailey's.  Sorry, Bailey's...I'm not cheating on you, I'm just not that in to you right now...

Anyway, the Post Office absolutely looks like a pink ribbon disaster:


 Pink ribbons made out of tissue paper, pink ribbon pens, pink tulle (gross).  I'm so glad the Postal Service has plenty of time and extra money sitting around to make this all possible. 

They are selling these little signs where you can make a donation and write your name (I guess?) and they'll hang it up on the counter.  Here's a rough version of the conversation:

Mail lady:  Here's your certified letter.  Would you like to donate to the fight against breast cancer?

Me:  (Lying)  Mmm, maybe.  What organization does it benefit?

Mail lady:  A cure for breast cancer.

Me:  No, I mean, specifically, who gets this money?

Mail lady:  I'm not sure, but I'm sure it is someone good.

Me:  I bet. 

For may years, the post office has been selling stamps to fund breast cancer research. 
The Mail Lady was pushing these stamps, big time.  For only $.55 a stamp, you can get a first class stamp AND make an $.11 donation.  So, imagine this.  I mail about 3 things per month (maybe), so across an entire year, I can be making a whopping $3.96 donation!!!  I can't imagine how much cancer that is going to cure!!!!

Even though the Mail Lady didn't know, I did some independent research to see who was going to benefit from my $3.96.  It turns out, the Breast Cancer Research Stamp funds the National Cancer Institute which is under the NIH.  You know what else funds the NIH?  YOUR TAXES.  Wow, government, thanks for coming up with a spiffy new way to get my money.  You are the BEST!

In case these stamps aren't rocking your world, go on to Zazzle and get one with a super classy saying such as "Support my Rack" for the low bargain cost of over $1.00 per $.44 stamp, with no indication of any of it going to any charity. 

You can even get a personalized address stamp that does absolutely nothing to fight breast cancer other than display a pink ribbon everytime you reach for it to stamp and mail your medical bills. 

I mean, so many options.  It almost makes me want to go back to "mailing" things. 

Day 22: The Saturday paper

I'll admit, I stopped subscribing to the Florida Times Union (or "Times Useless" as my dad would call it) somewhere about the time that Calvin & Hobbes went out of print.  But, I was a subscriber long enough to anticipate the annual pink issue.  The pink edition comes out in conjunction with Jacksonville's Race for the Cure.  Sure enough, as I walked through the lobby of One Ocean on my way to Matt and Jeanne's wedding, I saw the object of my desires. 


This issue is loaded up with not only stories of survivorship and early detection, but pretty much every hospital has a full page pink ad.  Oh, and there is also an article about the incredible cost of treating breast cancer.  Coinkydink? 


I mean, I'd really hate to think that anyone is looking to financially gain from this disease. 

Anyway, if you'd like to see some of the stories, visit http://jacksonville.com/pinkribbon.  Or don't.  I don't care.

I e-mailed the paper to find out how much more it costs to print a pink edition.  I'll keep you posted if/when they respond!

Day 21: Lighters

I was perusing the Ace Hardware the other day in search of a rake.  Apparently raking is something you are supposed to do when you have a yard.  News to me but I guess I can give it a whirl.  I really had not intended to see any pink ribbon stuff at the hardware store, but I gave up being suprised by this sort of thing a long time ago:


I looked up BIC and there is absolutely nothing on their website (that I can find) that gives any more detail about this quite special grill and candle lighter.  The one place I DID find info was on the Susan G. Komen site.  BIC is a corporate partner and will give up to $300,000 from the sale of of about 10 items to Komen (see list below).

Look closely at this photo.  It pretty clearly says National Breast Cancer Foundation which is an entirely separate organization than Komen.  Huh.  I hope they send their big fat check to the right place. 

The list (stay tuned for "Correction Tape" and "Shavers" fight breast cancer!)

Included in the program are the following specially marked BIC items:
BIC Atlantis® Retractable Ball Pen
Sheaffer® Sentinel® Pink Ball Pen
BIC® ReAction® Pencil
BIC Mark-It™ Color Collection Permanent Marker
BIC® Wite-Out® Brand EZ Correct® Correction Tape
BIC® Pencil
BIC® Triumph® 537RT
BIC® Brite Liner® Highlighter
BIC® Luminere® Candle Lighter
BIC Soleil Twilight Shaver
BIC Silky Touch Shaver

Day 20: Cheap Wine

A big thanks to Keri Hughes, one of my former ACS compatriots (pretty sure we've work pink boas and wigs together at one point or another), for sending me this one.


Mmm, white zinfandel, YUM.  I will have to say that a certain amount of wine certainly helped my mom deal with the effects of a breast cancer diagnosis, but I can't say that I'm totally on board with the idea of it curing or preventing breast cancer.  There are a huge number of studies linking red wine and cancer prevention (phew) but I can't find any linking white zinfandel to anything other than people who don't really like to drink real wine. 
Sutter Home's program is called "Capsules for Hope".  They want you to pull the safety seal off of your bottle of wine, mail it in, and Sutter Home will donate $1.00 to the City of Hope.  So, again, spend $.44 so that a company can make a $1.00 donation in their own name.

Brilliant, Sutter Home. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 19: Curling Irons. Seriously.

Early on, I saw a Bed, Bath and Beyond flyer that showed a pink curling iron that "supported breast cancer".  Again, the irony of a hair styling product to support a cancer whose treatment is notorious for making women lose their hair is not lost on me.  But anyway, I was able to find not one, but two pink curling irons...in fact, Conair has an entire line if pink beauty appliances as part of their "Power of Pink" campaign.


So, any of these pink hair dryers, curling irons, brushes, etc. will go towards a minimum $100,000 contribution to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (note to self:  2012, add up how much is going to Komen and BCRF and try to get a grand total for the month of October.)

One of my favorite products to research so far has been the "In-Styler Amazing Rotating Iron".  It reminds me a lot of those bristled curling irons that were around in the 80's...one of which I got the majority of my hair caught in and led to a screaming/crying match with my mom resulting in a nice new shorter haircut.  In case you don't recognize it, In-Styler is the amazing tool that can make a frizzy curly mop of hair in to amazingly silky hair on infomercials.  I'd still probably end up needing to chop off my hair.

But, I digress.  This $99 "amazing" curling iron states that a portion of the procees will go to breast cancer awareness (breast cancer is in capital letters, not sure that is gramatically correct!). 

So, I called In-Styler on October 13 and spoke with Darion.  Here's how the conversation went:
Me:  "Hi Darion.  I just have a question about the pink curling iron that you all are selling.  Can you tell me what portion of the proceeds go to breast cancer and to what organization they are being contributed?"
Darion:  "Pink curling iron?"
Me:  "Yes"
Darion:  "Breast cancer?"
Me:  "Yes"
Darion:  "We don't offer that one in stores, you'll have to call QVC and see how much they are donating"
Me:  "Really?  Because I saw it at Bed, Bath and Beyond"
Darion:  "Bed, Bath and Beyond?"
Me:  Yes.  It was for sale at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Darion:  "That's strange, because we don't sell that one in stores.  Only the pink one goes to breast cancer"
Me:  "Huh.  I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine it.  Would you like me to send you photos?"
Then, much to my dismay, I had to get off the phone and board my plane.  I'd pay money to see where that conversation would have ended up.

So, I tried again yesterday, 10/19, and spoke with Rosanna.

Me:  "Hi Darion Rosanna.  I just have a question about the pink curling iron that you all are selling.  Can you tell me what portion of the proceeds go to breast cancer and to what organization they are being contributed?"
Rosanna:  "Pink curling iron?"
Me:  "Yes"
Rosanna:  "Breast cancer?"
Me:  "Yes"
Rosanna:  "Hang on, let me ask my supervisor.  So you were asking about what for the American Cancer Society?"
Me:  "No, nothing about the American Cancer Society.  Pink In-Styler, how much and where for the donation?"
Rosanna:  "Ok, please hold" (proceeds to NOT put me on hold but I couldn't make out the conversation with the supervisor.)  "I don't have any information on that, you should call Bed, Bath and Beyond"
Me:  "Well, I'm not sure why, they sticker is on your product and I don't think they put it there"
Rosanna:  "Well, if it is a sticker, anyone could have put it there"
Me:  "Well, there were not any stickers on any other products besides that one (I didn't mention that Darion had already told me the pink curling irons benefited breast cancer).  Why would Bed, Bath and Beyond do that on your product?"
Rosanna:  "Let me ask my supervisor....(Long, dramatic hold)....Can I get your number and call you back when we've had a chance to research it?"
Me:  "Sure, I'm going to sit here holding my breath until you call, so make it snappy (Ok, I didn't say that, but I was thinking it)"

In the meantime, their website says nothing about the pink In-Styler or any donation BUT, you can watch some amazing transformational videos. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 18: Checkbooks

Wow, just when you thought Bank of America was the cause of the downfall of the global economy, they go and do something like put a pink ribbon on a checkcard and checks.

So, I skimmed through the "fine print" and I can't find anything ridiculous and it looks like they make a pretty substantial donation to Susan G. Komen.  But again, they are the one making the donation and ultimately, you are the one funding that donation.  And holy heck if you have to have the highest APR on this thing!

Day 17: Fruit Shaped Like a Bouquet

I would like to thank those of you who have sent me pink items that you've seen in your own lives.  I am really getting a kick out of a) seeing the crazy stuff you are finding and b) knowing that people are actually reading this blog.  I'm going to try to blog about a few of them, but a few quick mentions:  "Wine for a Cure" from Matt, "Mints for a Cure" from Jeanne, pink hair extensions from Nicole (and someone else, just can't remember who!), a pink ladybug nightlight dealy from Rach and MUCH more!

Please don't hesitate to send me things you see!!!  I wish there were a way for me to let you add your own entries on this blog but as you know, I'm still figuring out the basics here.  But, if you see something, please e-mail it to me at g8rchris@gmail.com.  A lot of you are texting me photos but I can't figure out how to save/upload the photos out of a text message!

One of my favorites has been from Amie, president of my Jordan fan club:  Edible Arrangements

This one resonates with me on a few levels.  If you or someone close to you has ever been through any sort of major illness or tragedy, then you are VERY familiar with Edible Arrangements.  Someone can have an arrangment shipped to you and unlike actual flowers, you can eat the arrangement.  It's really a brilliant concept.  After the first few of them showed up at Hospice and the house, it became quite the inside joke in our family (that and cookie cakes).  But, truly, it is a smart thing to send people as it is nice and easy to display and eat and who doesn't love flower shaped fruit? 

Anyway, in this case, fruit baskets range from $39-$55 with 10% of the proceeds going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.  Good on ya, Edible Arrangement people.  Oh, and you even get a nice, commerative ceramic mug to remind you of breast cancer all year.

I think my personal favorite is the one with pink high heels sculpted out of pineapple.  "Let's work together to stomp out breast cancer" indeed.

Day 16: Pretty much everything at ULTA

It really didn't even occur to me that ULTA was going to be such a hotbed of pinkness when I went in the other day for some new eyeliner.  My phone was about to die, I was about to be late for class...I mean, really, is this the time to for me to spot a breast cancer nail file or a "Donate with a Kiss" promotion?  I guess so.  

Let me take this opportunity to point something out to everyone.  When you are asked at the register to donate $1 to get your name on a kiss to be hung on a store wall, the company turns around and makes the actual donation.  That means, that YOU are giving THEM the money to make the TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation.  Are you gettin' me? 

There are some other promotions within ULTA.  Certain levels of donations will get you a pink ribbon umbrella, coffee cup, chance to win a big basket of product.  There is even a "Glam it Up for the Cure" promotion which I will revisit in my "Hair Extensions Cure Breast Cancer" entry.

What was really the crazies was all of the various products that were promoting breast cancer awareness, donations, programs or had just conveniently turned pink for the month (I'm talkin' to you, hair dryer department).

Some of my favorites are the "Hope in a Jar", "Shower for a Cure" and then "Big, Sexy Hairspray" that supports basically women who probably don't have any hair.  Way to rub it in, Big, Sexy.

As you can see, this was a totally overwhelming shopping experience for me.  I did manage to find some eyeliner and when I went to the register VERY politely declined purchase of a "kiss".  

I would really love to research all of these products...some of the organization and program names are new to me.  But, maybe that will be a project for 2012.  I've got hair extensions to write about! 

Day 15: Paper Towel Packaging

I ran in to Publix yesterday for, among other things, paper towels.  Right on the front display was this package of Bounty paper towels:

I know it's fuzzy (I was squatting down in the front entrance of Publix taking a picture with my cell phone while 5 people behind the customer service counter looked on...it was awkward), but the pink ribbon nestled in there amongst all the pink (that is not normally on a Bounty package) says "Early Detection Saves Lives".  

Thanks, Bounty.  I hadn't heard that yet this month.  No indication of a donation or support of an organization.  There was also nothing on their website.  That's it, just a pink package, pink ribbon and a message...that will promptly be removed and thrown in the trash whenever you open your paper towels.

Needless to say I did not buy the Bounty brand paper towels.  I'm more of a Brawny girl myself.  The Brawny guy has been re-vamped and he looks GOOD!