Nothing on this website indicates HOW MUCH or WHERE the donation goes. Oh, but get this...if you want to write a survivor story or a note about breast cancer, you can do that on their Facebook or Twitter. That's right, you can go tell a personal story about your's or someone else's health on a FROZEN FOOD COMPANY'S Facebook page.
I just had to check this out,
I guess this is Fast Fixin's Facebook page? And apparently they are promoting a Twitter party to talk about breast cancer? Are they serious? I feel like if and when I attend my first "Twitter Party" it is not going to be hosted by a frozen food company. No offense, frozen food companies.
To their credit, although the first lady I spoke with at Fast Fixin' had absolutely NO idea what I was talking about, she did deliver the message and I did get a phone call back. Fast Fixin' donations an unnamed percentage to the National Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Apparently the donation increases with each bag. Unfortunately, I screened this call and didn't have a chance to get the total donation amount or anything like that but maybe for next year!
I did take this opportunity to google "processed" and "fried" meats and "cancer risk" and there is no denying that fried and grilled food both present a cancer risk. I decided to not get too far in to the nutritional issues here but what I REALLY came across was this:
They did defend themselves by saying that you can always choose the grilled chicken. Yah, because plenty of Americans are going to KFC for the GRILLED chicken.
To be honest, I'd go in to KFC to find out if it is going on this year, but I'm quite addicted to KFC mashed potatoes and gravy so I have to try to limit my visits to once or twice per year. Sorry.
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