Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 14: Lid Licking

There is perhaps no other supermarket aisle that has turned pinker than the dairy aisle.
It seems like everyone is in the game.  Here's a  summary of what all the major yogurt companies are doing:

Yoplait's, "Save Lids, Save Lives" campaign is what can only be described as gross.  So, what they want you to do is peel back the lid of your yogurt, take your tongue and lick the remaining yogurt off the lid (they don't say this, specifically, but I can only assume that standard operating procedure would apply, and who DOESN'T do that?).  Then, they want you to put the lid in the mail back to them.  Once they get the lid, they will make a $.10 donation to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.  The donation is up to $2 million.  Not too shabby.

BUT, didn't I just spend $.44 on the stamp to send you the lid?  (Or is it $.48 now?  I can never remember).  They do have an online option available, too, perhaps because of their competitor, Dannon.

The Dannon "Cups of Hope" Campaign is similar to Yoplait.  You pull back the lid to your yogurt, sit down at your computer and enter the code, and Dannon will donate $.10 for every code you enter.  Oh, and if you go on to Facebook and "like" Oikos, Dannon's greek yogurt, you can even earn a bonus $.10 donation. 

In Dannon's press and promotion, they make a big deal about NOT having to mail in the lid.  Ya think? 

Dannon's donation will be a minimum $500,000 (which according to the fancy ticker on their website they have already exceeded) and a maximum $1,500,000.  Donations will go to the National Breast Cancer Foundation in part to fund free mammograms for underserved women.  I can totally get on board with that one. 


Stonyfield has a little different approach.  Their "Click For Breast Cancer" campaign just wants you to go to their website, click on a link and read a story about breast cancer.  It prompts you to "like" them on Facebook or to Tweet, in turn, supporting this company/cause to your friends/followers.  Puh-retty smart, Stonyfield...AND it does not involve me putting a saliva covered lid in an envelope, either.

Up to a $100,000 donation will go to www.breastcancer.org, an online resource for cancer information.  Ok, I'm on board with this as it certainly promotes education and awareness.

Yogurt companies, here's my problem with you.  Like every major corporation, you are GOING to donate to charity this year.  So, it's likely that the $1.5 million, $100,000 or whatever has long been budgeted for.  But, instead of just making the donation, you are spending a TON of money on fancy websites with money tickers, interactive maps, etc. etc. and encouraging your consumers to spend their OWN money for YOU to make the donation.  And promoting your Facebook page?  Really?

Ironically, at one time, both Dannon and Yoplait were using product that was produced with rBGH, Bovine Growth Hormone, which stimulated milk production in cows and was also linked with breast cancer as well as many others.  Wow, good one, yogurt (accusatory tone implied).

Fortunately, the "Think Before You Pink" campaign pointed out this hypocrisy and forced the major yogurt producers to eliminate this hormone.  All while the "lid licking" campaigns were in full swing.

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