Early on, I saw a Bed, Bath and Beyond flyer that showed a pink curling iron that "supported breast cancer". Again, the irony of a hair styling product to support a cancer whose treatment is notorious for making women lose their hair is not lost on me. But anyway, I was able to find not one, but two pink curling irons...in fact, Conair has an entire line if pink beauty appliances as part of their "
Power of Pink" campaign.
So, any of these pink hair dryers, curling irons, brushes, etc. will go towards a minimum $100,000 contribution to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (note to self: 2012, add up how much is going to Komen and BCRF and try to get a grand total for the month of October.)
One of my favorite products to research so far has been the "In-Styler Amazing Rotating Iron". It reminds me a lot of those bristled curling irons that were around in the 80's...one of which I got the majority of my hair caught in and led to a screaming/crying match with my mom resulting in a nice new shorter haircut. In case you don't recognize it,
In-Styler is the amazing tool that can make a frizzy curly mop of hair in to amazingly silky hair on infomercials. I'd still probably end up needing to chop off my hair.
But, I digress. This $99 "amazing" curling iron states that a portion of the procees will go to breast cancer awareness (breast cancer is in capital letters, not sure that is gramatically correct!).
So, I called In-Styler on October 13 and spoke with Darion. Here's how the conversation went:
Me: "Hi Darion. I just have a question about the pink curling iron that you all are selling. Can you tell me what portion of the proceeds go to breast cancer and to what organization they are being contributed?"
Darion: "Pink curling iron?"
Me: "Yes"
Darion: "Breast cancer?"
Me: "Yes"
Darion: "We don't offer that one in stores, you'll have to call QVC and see how much they are donating"
Me: "Really? Because I saw it at Bed, Bath and Beyond"
Darion: "Bed, Bath and Beyond?"
Me: Yes. It was for sale at Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Darion: "That's strange, because we don't sell that one in stores. Only the pink one goes to breast cancer"
Me: "Huh. I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine it. Would you like me to send you photos?"
Then, much to my dismay, I had to get off the phone and board my plane. I'd pay money to see where that conversation would have ended up.
So, I tried again yesterday, 10/19, and spoke with Rosanna.
Me: "Hi
Darion Rosanna. I just have a question about the pink curling iron that you all are selling. Can you tell me what portion of the proceeds go to breast cancer and to what organization they are being contributed?"
Rosanna: "Pink curling iron?"
Me: "Yes"
Rosanna: "Breast cancer?"
Me: "Yes"
Rosanna: "Hang on, let me ask my supervisor. So you were asking about what for the American Cancer Society?"
Me: "No, nothing about the American Cancer Society. Pink In-Styler, how much and where for the donation?"
Rosanna: "Ok, please hold" (proceeds to NOT put me on hold but I couldn't make out the conversation with the supervisor.) "I don't have any information on that, you should call Bed, Bath and Beyond"
Me: "Well, I'm not sure why, they sticker is on your product and I don't think they put it there"
Rosanna: "Well, if it is a sticker, anyone could have put it there"
Me: "Well, there were not any stickers on any other products besides that one (I didn't mention that Darion had already told me the pink curling irons benefited breast cancer). Why would Bed, Bath and Beyond do that on your product?"
Rosanna: "Let me ask my supervisor....(Long, dramatic hold)....Can I get your number and call you back when we've had a chance to research it?"
Me: "Sure, I'm going to sit here holding my breath until you call, so make it snappy (Ok, I didn't say that, but I was thinking it)"
In the meantime, their website says nothing about the pink In-Styler or any donation BUT, you can watch some amazing transformational videos.